So, you get this adorable and super cute blanket at your baby shower from Aunt Thelma, and you decide THIS is THE ONE. The one you will swaddle your precious little one with, take all those unforgettable first pictures with, the one you will pack away in that box that will remain in your closet until he has his first baby.
Your baby sleeps with that blankie every day. Every nap, and every night time slumber, that blankie is there. From cartoons to car rides, blankie is the best thing around. You sneak it to the washer right after breakfast and dry it quick as lightning, so he'll never know it was gone. Even when that child turns about 2, he still won't go ANYWHERE with THAT blankie. Your baby has become the child with his "
Woobie" in the "
Mr Mom." movie.
And then, IT happens. Blankie goes to the store just like every other grocery day. You come home and unload your toddler and the groceries, and the nightmare begins. "Momma, blankie!!" You figure it must have gotten left in the car again. You go back to the car, and find it's not there. The wave of panic comes. You begin retracing your steps. Think! Think! THINK! "When did I last see blankie? Was it at the bank? At the store? Did I take it out of the cart?" You realize, no. "No, I didn't take it out of the cart!" Back to the house, Milk and Butter in the fridge, and back to the store you go.
The whole way, your toddler is screaming because it's way past nap time at this point. You try to calm him. You try to tell him in just a minute, he'll have his blankie back. In the back of your mind you're thinking "Pleeeeease, please let the blankie be in the cart." You go back to the cart corral you put your cart in after you unloaded your groceries, but it's empty. Back into the store, and you frantically check EVERY cart in the corral in the entryway. Still no sign of blankie. Off to the Customer Service Desk to see if anyone found it. Your answer is not what you were hoping for. "I'm sorry, no ones turned it in yet. You can leave your name and phone number, and if anyone brings it to us, we'll be sure to get in touch with you."
In the car, you're thinking "I am NEVER going to sleep again!" Where can I get another blankie?" And it hits you. While having children is a wonderful thing, it does VERY strange things to your memory. "Where did Aunt Thelma say she got that blanket?" and "I can't even remember what the tag said. I have NO idea who made it!" You tell yourself to keep calm..calm. Surely Aunt Thelma will remember where she got it, right?
The phone call to Aunt Thelma, like most everything else has gone, does not go as you'd hope. She can't remember either. You rush to every
department store and
baby store as closing time quickly approaches. This is NOT how you planned to spend your day. Thank God for leftovers. Though you try, another blanket can't be found. ANYWHERE. You buy a cuddly blue blanket in hopes that your little one will warm up to it. Not happening. After a dreadfully long night, you pick up your tablet, and try your last resort, look online. But you can't remember anything but that the color was blue and white, it had little stars on it, and on the trim it read "Mommy's Angel". There are a lot of blue things online that say "Mommy's Little Angel". You mutter to yourself "I really wish I thought to buy a back-up blanket. This day wouldn't have been such a nightmare!"

That's where online sellers like me come in. I try to keep as many "Woobies" as I can in stock, and ship them to you as quickly as possible to make sure your little one doesn't go without his blankie, and you don't lose anymore sleep!